When families begin the daunting process of gathering the $30 - $40K needed to fund an adoption, many immediately begin looking at fundraisers (check out 25 family-tested fundraisers HERE), extra jobs and additional sources of income as ways to collect that massive amount of money.
But we found that we were able to save hundreds of dollars per month simply by purging our own budget, renegotiating our bills and making a few sacrifices.
Pennies make dollars and dollars make hundreds and pretty soon, leaning down the budget can be just as productive as holding a monthly fundraiser.
Although in a mind-blowing miracle, God provided EVERY DIME of our adoption expenses to bring home Superhero 4, our family is still saving for travel expenses so that our whole team can hopefully travel to China later this year.
Here are some ways our still-learning team trims expenses during adoption-raising seasons.
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