If we’re just being gut-level honest, it was, at first, all about US.
Adoption became a conversation in our home in 2011 not because of the 132 million vulnerable and voiceless children and orphans around the world in need of forever families, but because of the two people living in Kentucky at the time who wanted to grow theirs.
We fell in love with a superhero on RainbowKids whose “needs” suddenly didn’t matter when our God joined our hearts with his, and by Christmas 2013, we were holding the boy we called Superman tightly in completely humbled and overwhelmed arms.
We were madly, deeply, crazy in love with this 2-year-old superhero who had unexpectedly turned our worlds upside down. And we began shouting from the rooftops this lesson we had learned through running toward a boy our first adoption conversations would have initially caused us to run from.
That special needs are just superpowers in disguise.
And that THIS life, this path, this journey holding the hands of a once-orphan who was overlooked by the world but was never overlooked by our loving God, was a far richer road than we could have ever imagined.
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